Veterinary Services

Chief Municipal Veterinary Surgeon
Dr. M Ijas

B. V. Sc (Sri Lanka): M. Sc (Melbourne)
MBA (Sri J'Pura) : PG. Dip. (Colombo)

  • 011-2691607
  • 011-2695042

Contact Details

Municipal Veterinary Department,
No. 09, White Park, Maligakanda,
Colombo 10.
General Telephone No 011-692801

This Department has three main areas of responsibility

  1. i. Control of rabies within the city
    ii. Controlling of stray animals within the city
    iii.Control and treatment of animal diseases
  2. Administration of 16 Muncipal Publid Markets and One Daily Pola in the city
  3. Supply of hygienic wholesome meat and control of diseases spread through meat.


The Anti Rabies Clinic, Field Section and Dog Pound from part of the Veterinary Department of the Colombo Municipal Council and offers a wide variety of Services.

Control of Rabies

Steps taken by this section to reduce incidence of Rabies in the City.

  • Birth control programs.
  • Vaccination against Rabies free of charge.
Vaccination Programmes
  • Every Thursday between 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at the Anti Rabies Clinic, No. 23, Magazine Road, Colombo 08.
  • Centre Vaccination Programmes (as arranged by the Department/on public request)
  • House to House Vaccination Programmes.
Dog Registration

This is done to facilitate house to house vaccination programme and to enable us to maintain a record of dog population in the City.

Charges : Male Rs. 5/=
Female Rs. 7.50 per year.

Stray Animal Seizing Programmes

Daily programmes are carried out seize stray animals.(Dogs ,Cats,Cattle, Sheeps and Goats, Pigs etc.)

Animal Clinic

This provides Veterinary Services for treatment of animals diseases by way of an outdoor Veterinary Clinic.

Other Services by this Section
  • Removal and keeping of Rabies suspected dogs for observation.
  • Removal of animal carcasses.
  • Prosecution against rearing of livestock without permits(Rearing of livestock in city is prohibited).
  • Responding to public complaints on matters of Veterinary Public Health.

Some important Factors about Rabies

  1. Wash the wound with soap and water.
  2. Apply an antiseptic.
  3. Do not cover the wound.
  4. Consult a doctor.
  5. Inform OIC/ dog pound to take necessary control measures.

If you wish to discuss any of the re information any issues related to Dogs, Cats or other Domestic Stray Animals , please contact

The Officer in Charge,
Anti Rabies Clinic and Field Section,
Municipal Dog Pound,
No .23, Magazine Road,
Colombo 08.

Municipal Public Markets

Telephone No : 011-692801

Markets in the Colombo City

  • Manning Market, Pettah.
  • Maligawaththa Market, Maligawaththa, Colombo 10.
  • Dean's Road Market, Dean's Road, Colombo 10.
  • Kotahena Market, Kotahena, Colombo 13.
  • Nagalagam Street Market, Nagalagam Street, Colombo 14.
  • Wistvike Market, Center Road, Colombo 15.
  • Borella Market, Borella, Colombo 08.
  • Kollupitiya Supe Market, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 03.
  • Bambalapitiya Market, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04.
  • Wellawatta Market, Wellawatta, Colombo 06.
  • Kirullapone Market, No. 50, Kirullapone, Colombo 05.
  • Jathika Pola, Elvitigala Mawatha, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.
  • Kosgashandiya Market, Kosgashandiya, Colombo 14.
  • Slave Island Market, Glanie Street, Colombo 02.
  • Dematagoda Market, Dematagoda, Colombo 09.
  • Modara Super Market, Modara, Colombo 15.
  • Jinthupitiya Market, Jinthupitiya Street, Colombo 13.

Each of the 16 Municipal Markets and the Daily Pole in the city have a Markets Supervisor from whom you may seek advice regarding the market.

All markets have a STANDARD SCALE to determining correct measure. If you think the weight of the goods you purchased is incorrect ask the Market Supervisor to check. He will take action if the weight is not correct.


Meat sold in the Municipal markets and stalls in the city are inspected by the Municipal veterinary surgeons to prevent diseases being transmitted to people through consumption of meat.

Under statutory by-laws, only meat inspected and certified at the Municipal Abattoir can be sold in the city.

Only licensed butchers are allowed to slaughter animals in the city and this MUST be done at the Municipal Slaughterhouse.

Permits may be obtained to slaughter animals in private premises but only for private consumption and NOT for the public use. For further the details Please contact,

246, Baseline Road
Dematagoda, Colombo - 09.
Telephone : (011) 2693553